ref:_00D361GSOX._5003x2Gj6NQ:ref Brighton Record Label | QM Records | Brighton | Bradford | Live Music Events
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Dome Studio Live


Fri 27 Sep. 2024


Curated by Ned Archibong (QM Records)


Feed your music curiosity, discover new favourites and support rising homegrown talent.


September's Dome Studio Live is about the soul. Modern soul man Steven Bamidele plays an exceptional live band, joined in the line-up by Amber Burgoyne's melange of soul, jazz and funk and Ellie Pepper's jazzy soulful vocals, which take the listener on a journey through the ages.



Steven Bamidele

Amber Burgoyne

Ellie Pepper


Want to get involved? Tickets are just £5(£8 on the door)





Dome Studio Live


Fri 18 Oct. 2024


Curated by Ned Archibong (QM Records)


October's Dome Studio Live is a celebration of guitar music. Brighton-based four piece Holiday Ghosts are making waves witth their lean and primitive rock n roll spirit. Brighton garage rock trio Currls have been steadily making a name for themselves as a sonic powerhouse seamlessly blending raw Garage rock, fast-paced Punk, and sludgy Pop.


They are joined in the line-up by psychedelic rock outfit Room Service: new on the scene and already shaking things up.


Holiday Ghosts


Room Service


​Want to get involved? Tickets are just £5(£8 on the door)





Dome Studio Live


Fri 13 Dec. 2024


Curated by Ned Archibong (QM Records)


The last Dome Studio Live of the year sees jazz dancing with rap. Mrisi returns to headline with his fusion of rap, jazz and traditional South African sounds. This is a truly musical man with politically charged delivery which leaves the audience on the edge of their seat.


AVIJE also returns with her jazz sound and Persian artistry, and Dreddaa completes the line up: a bloddy seriously ace MC hailing from Brighton with a spectrum of songs from party vibes to poignant street tales.







Want to get involved? Tickets are just £5(£8 on the door)



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Our Shop is Back!

We've relaunched the shop on our website, we've got new Tote Bags and Tshirts for sale. We'll be adding more items too. Much Love 



Our Releases

© 2023 QM Records

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